Sunday, July 27, 2008

Open House

Evan's Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Lane put together a great open house for all the parents. She had lots of projects for us to look at and Evan showed us all the fun stuff he's been doing in class. The fun part was to see his writing in his journal and various projects, also him reading us different things that he's worked on. She put together the pictures of them as little babies and then now and a cute poem to go with it.

Evan taking us on "tour" of the different centers in class.

Evan standing by the flag he did for Texas and what he wrote about.

Showing us his cowboy he made.


Woke up to snow so before school I took the boys out for pictures. Knew it would probably be gone by the time we got home. Ian wasn't to sure of it...or the hat.

We went to Stillwater for Easter. Had a great time. Granny always has lots of eggs to color and we have a big Easter egg hunt in the backyard. It was Ian's first Easter and he had fun digging into his Easter basket.

The big Easter egg hunt in Granny's backyard. It's lots of fun for all the kids and they look forward to it every year.

Coloring Easter eggs with his cousins.

The boys going through their Easter baskets. Evan was excited because he realized Ian couldn't eat chocolate and jelly beans so he would get his as well as his own.

The boys ready for church.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

We celebrated Evan's sixth birthday at ASI Gymnastics. He had all his friends there and had lots of fun. We had a Superman party which he was very excited about. Ian had fun too and was on his best behavior. We found out he loves balloons. Happy Birthday Evan.

Evan getting to wear the "birthday hat" at school. It was also their Valentine's Day party so I went to help with that and got to spend some extra time with the birthday boy.

An exhausted birthday boy sleeping with his favorite super hero...Spiderman.

Big brother's birthday was soooo fun! Note the string in his hand...he wouldn't let go of that balloon for anything.