Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ian's First Birthday

I can't believe it has already come. Seems like the time went by so quick. I planned a swimming party and in the morning thinking it would be 110 by noon. Instead, after 50 days of 100's we get rain and 80's all week. So the pool water was very cold but at least there was no rain. Some of the kids were brave enough to want to get in and the rest of us sat in lawn chairs and watched. Ian loved his cake and went to town on it. He still wasn't to sure what the packages are all about but fell in love with the green furry one my sister-in-law and brother sent. He immediately wanted to give it kisses and love it. We had a good time.

Evan, Ian and Granddad.

Ian, daddy, Graham and Scott having fun.

It's so cold...

Evan and Dylan.

My sister, Leslie and my nephew Dylan.

Ian's birthday cake. It turned out so cute and the little one they made for him was just as cute.

Graham and Scott in birthday hats and ready to sing.

Ian going for it...

and he's a mess.

Melissa and Ian.

The green furry package. Ian just loved this and is still playing with it.

All the boys. Happy Birthday Ian!!

My Little Money Maker

So Evan came home from daycare one day this week and was sitting down to his art table and asked for some paper and crayolas. I thought how nice he wants to draw. So then I go to look and see what he's making and he's making money. It's green, with little faces and dollar amounts. What an imagination. If it was only that easy!

New Class

Ian was moved to the Young Toddlers class from the Older Infants. There is lots more to do and play with. They get to go outside for some of the time and learning to feed themselves etc.. They have started doing art projects as well. But the biggest thing is moving to one nap. They can lay down if they are just to tired to stay up but it's usually just an afternoon nap. So every day he's come home sleeping in his chair trying to adjust to his new schedule. He does like the new big boy toys though and they say he's adjusting well.

Kimbell Art Exhibit

Sunday a bunch of my aunts and cousins all went to Ft. Worth to see the Impressionist exhibit here from Chicago. It was so fun to get to see everyone. My Aunt Mary Frances came from Houston and my mom from Austin and my cousin Sharon was visiting from Switzerland. Afterwards we went to eat lunch and sit and catch up. It was so fun to see and talk to everyone. I hope it won't be to long before we can all meet up again.

Grandma Visit

Grandma came up to visit and go to the museum with all the cousins and aunts on Sunday. It was nice to have her. She brought Ian his birthday present which he wasn't really sure what to do with the package but he loved the trucks and book.


We lost our sweet Yoda kitty. I got him when I was in college and have had him over 18 years. We thought he might live forever but little did we know until it was to late that he had cancer. He got a puffy eye and we thought it was tooth problem but ended up mouth cancer. Within a couple of months we knew it was time to let him go. So as Evan says he got his kitty wings and is now with his great grandmother in heaven watching over us. He was a good kitty to our family and will be missed.

Taste of Dallas

We ventured down to Taste of Dallas one weekend. We went later in the evening so it wouldn't be so hot and rode the dart train down which is always fun for Evan. It was crowded but not to bad to get around with a stroller. They had an area where they had rides for the kids and Evan had a pretty good time except for the tea cups....

He was riding by himself until an older boy jumped in and he turned that tea cup and we watched Evan just stair him down and Evan turning pale. He didn't get sick but he was glad to get off.

The other rides were much better.
Ian enjoying his ride and some of Evan's snow cone while he was away on a ride.

We went to eat at a restaurant later in the evening. Everyone else was down on the streets at the vendors eating so it was pretty easy to get in. We sat out on the patio and listened to music and enjoyed some Mexican food.

Evan chilling out.

Evan trying his hand at photography.

Ian enjoying his guacamole.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Good Morning...

Ian isn't really a morning person (like most of us) but this morning I heard music coming from his room and lots of talking. I walked in and he was throwing stuffed animals over the side and had turned on his music aquarium and just having a ball.

PJ Day

Today was PJ at Primrose so the boys got to wear their PJ's to school along with slippers or socks. Evan's class went to the library the day before and checked out books and today were going to sit around and read them in their PJ's.

Sleeping Baby

Lately we've been finding Ian sleeping like this. Don't know how he can sleep this way for hours, seems very uncomfortable. My mom told me though that is how I use to sleep.

Fourth of July Parade

The Fourth of July parade at Primrose was double the fun with Ian getting to be there. Each class makes something different to wear during the parade. Evan's made a huge hat and mask to wear. Ian's class the teacher's decorated a couple of cribs and then put some of the babies in each one. They looked so cute.

The boys dressed in their red, white and blue before going to school.

Ian in Evan's hat. I couldn't get it to stay on his head.

Brotherly Love

I'm sure there is more of this to come. Ian loves for Evan to tackle him and roll around the floor with him. Of course there are limits to how much but for now he seems to not get enough.

Bath Fun

Ian LOVES the water and bath time I think is his favorite. He loves to kick and splash in the water. Here daddy was having fun with his hair...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Florida or Bust

We took our first big road trip with the boys in June to Destin, Florida. We drove breaking it up into two days driving 6 hours each day. We stopped in Vicksburg, Mississippi both times. The first time we walked around the city, went to the historic area, a museum and then found this water park. We stayed right off the Mississippi River which Evan thought was petty cool.

We made it Florida in one piece and got settled in. We found a nice condo that had a kitchen, laundry room and two bedrooms. Was just a short walk to the beach each day and we got beach chairs with an umbrella which worked perfect for nap time and to keep Ian out of the sun some.

Ian didn't like the sand much. He loved the water though. One day we went to a little aquarium that has a dolphin show and other sea life. Afterwards we went to eat a late lunch at a place that had live alligators.

One day we also ventured out to the marina and walked up and down there. Evan had fun finding crabs and jelly fish in the shallow part of the water. We saw lots of people coming in for the evening with their catches.

Back to the beach for more fun. The water was so unbelievable and the sand just white as can be. We had beautiful weather and couldn't have asked for a better time!