Monday, October 27, 2008

Our weekend in Stillwater

Robbie got reconnected with a good friend, Randy, from college. Him and his wife, DeAnn, have season tickets to Oklahoma State football games and invited us up for a game. So we went homecoming weekend. We met them Saturday morning for breakfast with the boys and got to hear lots of stories. Then we walked down the way to watch some of the homecoming parade. It was lots of fun and brought back memories. Granny and Granddad kept the boys while we went to the game. We got to see the new stadium (thank you T. Boone Pickens) which is just beautiful. There were lots of new traditions throughout the game and it was great football weather and game. Evan's cousin Korbin, who recently moved to Kansas, was down visiting so it worked out great for them to get to play together. They are a couple of months apart and have a great time together and Ian even got in the mix. It was keep away from baby which Ian just laughed. It was a great weekend and hopefully we'll get to see Randy and DeAnn again soon.

Ian having fun with Granny's doll. He was so funny when he saw her sitting there and of course had to give her kisses.

Evan and Korbin.

At the parade. Robbie and Randy and Ian.

Robbie, Randy, DeAnn and Ian and a sliver of Evan in the corner.

Ian taking in the parade.

Loving the fish...

Ian loves the aquarium that his Grandma brought him when he was a baby. He loves the fish in there that make bubble noises and music. So usually while I'm getting him ready in the morning I'll put him in the crib so he doesn't run off and he'll play with his stuffed animals or his aquarium. This morning he was in rare form "talking" to the fish and then trying to give them kisses. 

Where's Evan?

Earlier that evening Ian was looking for Evan so he walked down the hall and I hear a banging noise. So I went to investigate what he was doing and found him banging on the bathroom door and hear Evan and him "talking" through the door. Ian I guess wanted face to face because he tried to see under the door. Evan asked me why he has to follow him everywhere...I just had to laugh and tell him about a little shadow I use to have.

"Blowing" Bubbles

Ian loves bath time and especially Evan's because it's always bubble time. He's been trying to learn to blow the bubbles out of his hand and watch them fly but we've been eating more than blowing. He is getting better though.

Evenings in the yard..

The weather has been so nice we've enjoyed getting out in the front yard and playing around. Ian loves to be outside and with the added entertainment of big brother I got lots of laughs and smiles.

Taking time to smell (pick) the flowers!

Ian loves to watch Evan run and play and be silly. Evan can say grass and Ian cracks up. He loves his big brother.


Monday, October 6, 2008

And he's walking...

Ian has been up and taking short spurts but still crawling if he falls. Now he's walking all over the house and if he falls he goes to something to get back up and continues on his way. It still surprises me when I get up to go somewhere and turn around and there he is following behind. He still looks like a drunk baby walking but he's getting better and better every day.

Sleep Eating...

Poor Ian. Evan's baseball games have been around 3:00, when Ian is usually settling down for a nap. So it's usually cut short or none at all. Today was one of those days of 15 minute nap. So when we got home and started eating for dinner Ian was slowly fading and by end of dinner he was eating with his eyes closed and then he was gone with one cookie left.

Teeth Brushing

Ian hates to wash his face in the morning, especially his eyes so now I turn the water on and let him stick his feet in the water, get his tooth brush and now he's so occupied he forgets what you're doing to him. He loves to brush his teeth.

Brothers sharing

Ian and Evan eating in harmony. I think Ian's starting to like sitting in chairs. He tries to sit in them on his own or he turns them upside down and backs up to sit on the bar.

Cultural Parade

Every year at the boys daycare they have a Cultural Parade to celebrate our different nationalities. Each class picks a country to represent and makes costumes. They also get to try ethnic food from different areas of the world. The first pictures are Evan's class and then the next ones are of Ian's class. They were all so cute.

I especially like this picture. I had just gotten back from being gone for four days and Evan didn't know I was going to be at the parade so when he saw me he was surprised. I got lots of hugs and kisses before getting back into formation.

I thought these guys were cute. They were dressed as pasta and had noodles glued to the front of their poster board.

It's fitting that Ian got to do Italy. Not only does he have some Italian in him, he loves ravioli, spaghetti and bread.