Sunday, December 13, 2009


Obviously I am behind. Halloween was lots of fun this year. Grandma (aka mi maw) came down to spend the weekend with us. We had lots of fun carving pumpkins, trick-or-treating and the weather was so nice we had a great afternoon out in the backyard playing. Evan was a skull biker this year but didn't like the mask much so that didn't go with us. Ian was spider man and made a darn cute one. He was so funny because some of the houses turned out to be a little scary so he would let Evan go to the front door and if it was OK he would run up there for candy. He walked the whole time too and we were gone for about an hour and a half.

Halloween Parade

Of course, the day before the parade at Primrose Ian gets sick. So Robbie went to the parade to see Evan in the parade but Ian had to miss it. Evan didn't want to wear his mask so he was half a skull biker. The owner is dressed like a Dalmatian.

Pumpkin Patch

We went to the Pumpkin Patch with Granny and Granddad and met our friends the Reeds out there. We had lots of fun with the animals, picking out pumpkins, eating, going on hayride and playing. Ian loved the animals but especially the huge longhorns that were out there.

Halloween Cookies

I love decorating cookies and Evan still seems to like doing it too and now we've added Ian to the mix. So they are both up on ladders or the cabinet to watch and add ingredients. Ian was so funny concentrating so hard on one cookie and then looked at me and just couldn't resist and took a bite. Robbie added the witch hat and the boys thought that was funny.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ready for some football...

Ian inherited Evan's old Cowboy's jersey so now everyone has something to wear on game day. He also got Evan's Winnie the Pooh slippers and loves to wear those. Made for a cute picture.

Movie Night...

Piggy flu hits our house...

Poor little Ian woke up in the morning with fever and went down hill from there. I took him to the doctors and he tested positive. So antibiotics and four days home with momma and daddy. He was feeling better after two days of fever and by the fourth day was bouncing off the walls but we wanted to make sure he was really good and free before we sent him back to the germ pit. That time of the year.


Ian loves him some ice-cream and has to get every bite...this was him after he pretty much licked the bowl and got every melted drop.

Who got into my stickers?

Well, that was obvious when Ian showed up in my room. He had gotten into my scrapbook stuff and started to go to town. Now he knows where they are kept so I've had to move things around but when he sees me working at the table he comes to see what he can have stuck on him.


This appeared after heavy rains while I was driving home. I couldn't get in the house fast enough because I wanted the boys to see it and was afraid it was going to disappear. It was a complete rainbow and so vivid and then you can see a lighter one off to the side. 

Cultural Parade

Every year the boys daycare has a learning lesson about other countries, what they wear, eat etc... Families that want to can bring a dish one day that is custom in their country to eat and they share with the kids. Every class picks a different country, makes something that will show where they are from and then they have a parade to show off what they made. It's always fun to see what they come up with and it's a great way to learn about other cultures.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Plano Balloon Festival

We headed to the balloon festival Saturday afternoon. It was a nice day with cloud cover but still a little warm. We let the boys do some of the bounce houses and then got a bite to eat. Some of the balloons took off but not all of them so it wasn't as neat as in years past. After that we walked around and then sat down for a little bit and listened to music. Ian and Evan did their best in dance moves to entertain the people around us. We got some ice-cream and waited for the night glow. It's always neat to watch them all light up at one time and then we had fireworks after that. Ian missed seeing them on the Fourth so he was entranced by them this time. They both passed out when we got in the car and before we got home and we only live about 5 minutes away. I put these in backwards but oh well.