Monday, March 30, 2009

Helping hand.

I asked Evan to clean the glass door. Ian saw him go outside to clean the other side and started putting his hand all over the inside to get his attention. Then he found Evan's old one from cleaning the inside and started "re cleaning" the inside. Evan was very put out with his brother but I'm sure this won't be the last time.

The park...

At the park the boys had lots of fun running and sliding. Evan took pictures of me despite my pleas (it was in the morning and no shower yet). So I put in the far away one so I don't scare anyone. The What Not Wear Crew would have a hay day with me!!

Outside fun...

This was actually last weekend. It was so nice so we spent most of the weekend outside at the park or in the backyard playing. All to soon the 100's will be here and the only place to go will be the swimming pool!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Baseball fun

Just some fun in the front yard while Robbie and Evan were practicing in the garage. Ian gets upset when he's not part of the baseball fun so I have to distract him while they sneak out. Robbie got him a glove and he thinks he needs a real ball and bat and not the "fake" ones. Maybe we have a Nolan Ryan on our hands.

Ready for school...

I had just finished dressing Ian and went to get all our stuff together to leave for school and he had found Evan's baseball hat and put it on. He looked like such a big boy.

Where's my drink...

of milk Momma. We have a big chair to block the plug for the Internet and Ian has now learned to climb on it so he's usually up there when one of us is in the kitchen cooking or washing dishes but hasn't mastered the getting down part.

Computer Time....

I fully expect Ian to be working the computer before he's two. He pulls up his little chair whenever he sees Evan at the computer and watches him (for the most part). Pretty soon though it gets boring watching Evan so he starts trying to push buttons (and pushes his brothers in the process) and down he goes.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Open House

Evan had his open house and we got to see all the things they are doing and the fun projects they put together. They had a whole theme of oceans and Evan worked with some of his classmates to put together an island. It was fun to see everything and meet some of his friends.

Evan standing next to the timeline he made from his first birthday. It was fun to put it together with him and what his memory was of the event.

They all made life size paper dolls of themselves and put them in their chair and then had paperwork in front that we got to look through.

They each did a silhouette of themselves. Evan is standing under his and then it said on the paper things they liked (he got extra hugs for mentioning his momma).

This was their island. You can't see the beach house made of Lincoln logs.

This was the class invention. It was going to help Mrs. Hammack clean up the classroom before open house started.

Evan and his friend.

Brother Time...

When Ian wakes up in the morning or from nap he likes to cuddle. This morning we were running late for everyone to get to work/school so I thought I'd try to sit him with Evan and see if that would work and he just laid right down with him and starting rubbing his fingers through Evan's hair (his soothing device). It was sweet.