Saturday, May 16, 2009

Poor little guy...

Ian had been having a cough and runny nose but no fever or anything so we just thought maybe allergies until later in the week he got a high fever so I took him to the doctors the next morning to find out he had a sinus infection, bronchitis and strep throat. So needless to say we were home the rest of the day and rested.

Spring Fling

We went to the boy's Spring Fling at Primrose. It was lots of fun to see all our friends and catch up. They had bounce houses, games, food and cute crafts that the individual classes made to auction off. Ian really wanted a apple so Robbie showed him how to do the bobbing for apples game. Evan spent most the time on the bounce house.

Quiet isn't always good...

I was wondering what was keeping my toddler so quiet so I went looking for him. He had pushed out the chair climbed up on the table and snagged Evan's other Oreo pop tart after I told him he couldn't have it. He had downed the whole thing as quick as he could and had oreo all over the place. Terrible two's here we come.