Saturday, September 26, 2009

Plano Balloon Festival

We headed to the balloon festival Saturday afternoon. It was a nice day with cloud cover but still a little warm. We let the boys do some of the bounce houses and then got a bite to eat. Some of the balloons took off but not all of them so it wasn't as neat as in years past. After that we walked around and then sat down for a little bit and listened to music. Ian and Evan did their best in dance moves to entertain the people around us. We got some ice-cream and waited for the night glow. It's always neat to watch them all light up at one time and then we had fireworks after that. Ian missed seeing them on the Fourth so he was entranced by them this time. They both passed out when we got in the car and before we got home and we only live about 5 minutes away. I put these in backwards but oh well.


O'Daniel Reunion

Labor Day weekend we headed to Stillwater for a family reunion. This was also opening weekend for OSU. We had alot of fun and it was good to see everyone although sad too remembering all that aren't with us anymore. They always hand out awards for different things. Evan got the youngest award one year and Patty and Jesse (Robbie's parents) usually get the award for the biggest family in attendance. The kids all have fun together and it's out in the country so the kids can just run and play. Sunday I got to meet up with my friend Robin from HS and her sister Roberta and her daughter Delany. We got to Joe's early because we knew there would be a crowd with OSU alumni in town for the game. Sure enough by the time we left it was out the door. It was good to catch up with them and have some yummy cheese fries!!

My toddler...

is growing so fast I wish I could push pause. He's talking up a storm and started with colors, yellow being the most recognized (thanks Sponge Bob). Potty training is in motion and he no longer wants to hold my hand when he walks to the front door of the daycare. He's such a big boy.

Night, Night Lambie

Ian has gone back and forth on attachments to things but lately he's gone back to Lambie. So usually the blankets, sucker and Lambie are all the night ritual and when he wakes up in the morning they all come out of bed with him. They hadn't been put back in the crib yet when I saw Ian covering up Lambie and then sitting down to read to him. It was so cute.

First Day of 2nd Grade

Can't believe it's the start of the school year already and Evan is in 2nd grade!! He was ready to go though and excited to see his friends. Of course his little mini me was right there with him and I'm sure wishing he could get out with him. Evan didn't want to be walked into the school, we went straight to the car line and he hopped out with a "see ya". Next year he'll be wanting me to drop him off at the corner!

Duck Pond

The Friday before school started was a service day for the teachers so the daycare was closed. We made plans to see my friend Melissa and her boys. We decided to meet up at the pond and have lunch. Later that afternoon we were going to Meet the Teacher night at Bolin to meet Evan's 2nd grade teacher. It was a great day as we had just had some storms so it was cool. The boys ran around and played tagged, fed the ducks and played some more. It was good to see them and hang out with my boys.

Cookie Monster....

I gave Ian a huge chocolate chip cookie and by the time he got done I think more was on him then anything else and then he was pretending he was going to get me.

Visit with Papa Lester

It was a quick visit with Papa but good to see him. Ian loves to read books and after he overcame his shyness he was bringing the books left and right. Papa also helped Evan with his headstands. He showed Evan how to lean up against the wall to help him balance and then he can start to move out from the wall as he gets his balance down. Ian soaked it all up and the next day he was showing what he learned.

New Mexico

We went to Red River, New Mexico this summer for a Catalani Family Reunion. We had sooo much fun, so many stories and I took sooo many pictures there is no way to post them all. We don't get to see alot of my mom's side of the family so it was so nice to get together. We spent 5 days and had two cabins. During the night we all gathered and each family took turns cooking a dinner and then hung out and played games and had a great time. We made fires two nights and had smores. Our family went horseback riding one day and then another day went up on the ski lift to the top of the mountain. We tried numerous fishing trips (we had a stream next to our cabin) and just sat outside while the kids played. Evan had a little hard time getting adjusted to the mountains when we first got there and Ian had trouble coming out of the mountains but overall great trip. I haven't been back to the mountains in so long and forgot how pretty it is. We hope to make it back soon.