Saturday, January 31, 2009

My hat...

Ian emptied out his toys and put this bucket on his head and tried to walk around the living room. He would just laugh when he ran into something or fell over. Robbie and me looked at each other and wondered why we buy toys.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

New adventures in eating

Ian is trying to eat with silverware now. We will try spoons for awhile and then maybe a fork. I actually saw now where they have a full place setting knife and all for a toddler. You never know where things are going to go but he's actually pretty good with it so maybe they are working on it at school too. I did see him pick up some of the food and place it on the spoon and then eat it so we are still a ways away from civilized eating at our table.

Remote Thief

Ian LOVES our remote. He'll be in the middle of playing and running around and then you get up to do something and then next thing he has the remote and ran to the chair to sit up there and push buttons like daddy. It's so funny because he'll just be laughing and pushing buttons as fast as he can and looking for daddy to see if he's watching. We even got him one that is silver and makes noises but he doesn't play with it at all, he wants the real deal.

Helping out...

Ian wants to "help" with everything which is very cute. He knows where the brooms are kept and he will get them out and sweep but then tries to move to the carpet and sweep too. As soon as he hears Robbie in the kitchen unloading or loading the dishwasher he wants to help with that and his newest thing is he wants to put up the folded clothes. He does his best to keep them all folded but when you show him where to drop them off or put them up he runs the other way with them. Almost trained him. Maybe another couple of loads.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hair Cut Day...

has finally came. The hair has become to crazy to get to do anything and in his eyes so we headed to Cool Cuts. After sitting there listening to two kids screaming I wasn't sure we were going to make it. Ian kept looking around the corner like what are they doing to those poor kids. So we had to sit next to one of those screaming kids and at first Ian started to tear up but I showed him the steering wheel and they put Elmo in for him to watch and we were all good. Whew! I could take pictures and enjoy watching him have fun in the car and get his first hair cut.

Growing little boy...

Seems like Ian is just doing so many big boy things. He got a little doodle pad in his stocking and when he picks it up he'll go get in his chair and sit and draw with it. He does that with his snacks too. When you give him a little bowl of something he takes it to the table and sits down without you saying anything. The other day he got a hold of the duster and went right for the TV to dust the TV like daddy does.

Ketchup Man

I was trying to get Ian to eat some cut up pork chop and he wasn't very excited about it so I put a little ketchup on his tray to dip it into and well that ended up being some more and more. But hey his whole dinner was gone and that was the point. But now when he sees the ketchup bottle he knows what it is. To this day Evan still eats EVERYTHING with ketchup.

Christmas Cookie Party

Ok, a little out of sequence. I think I was doing the Christmas post late at night after kids were asleep and I didn't get this one in. Our friends, the Reeds, had some couples and their kids over to decorate cookies. This was the second year they've done it and it's always lots of fun. The kids all play well together and the adults can talk and relax. Ian had a great time going up and down the stairs a million times! They both slept well that night. Thanks for having us Arthur and Linda, it was lots of fun.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Stillwater Christmas

Friday after Christmas we headed to Stillwater for Christmas with the O'Daniel family. It was a busy trip this time. We left early in the am but stopped in Tulsa to see our friends who just had a baby girl, Haven. They also have two boys, one being Evan's age and the other a few years older so they had fun playing. Then we headed on to Stillwater and in a couple of hours headed to Korbin, Evan's cousin, who was having a birthday party at a pizza place. It was fun. The kids got to make their own pizza's and play games and run around. Saturday we had Christmas. I wish I could get a good picture to explain the chaos of fun but I think you just have to be there. We usually open gifts and then Patty has a nice buffet of food for us and then we play bingo later that night. We headed home Sunday morning after a big breakfast to catch the rest of the Dallas game (shouldn't have rushed home for that). It was a nice time as always!

Jenni was the baby whisper on Saturday. She had Ian to sleep and later Joslyn.

This was just 1/2 the room. The other side is just as crowded with people and presents.

Handing out of presents.

Evan was excited he got the Hulk movie. He tried to watch on the way home but was asleep before we even hit the main highway to home.

Ian got lots of cute books and puzzles.

Checking out his furry friend he got from Melissa/Nick/Korbin.

Christmas Day

Christmas morning Evan was up first but he went and laid on the couch for a little while and then Robbie got up and I heard Evan reading all the tags on the boxes. Ian got up around 7:00 so I figured I would be awaken quickly and got up. Evan was the official hander outter. Ian let him know when he needed another one. He had fun opening and got the hang of it all pretty quickly. Santa didn't eat all our cookies just one. He left a note for Evan and Ian telling them they were good boys and he was on a diet so they could eat the rest. We had our traditional morning breakfast of eggs, biscuits and gravy, bacon and sausage and if that wasn't enough we ate turkey, sweet potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole and rolls later that day. The last picture is Ian relaxing after his turkey dinner. It was a great day as the weather was perfect so we also made a trip to the duck pond to play.

The boys checking out their stockings.

Evan handing out presents to everyone.

Evan's favorite present...Iron Man.

Ian of course found a use for his boxes. The child can not stay on the ground!