Monday, January 5, 2009

Stillwater Christmas

Friday after Christmas we headed to Stillwater for Christmas with the O'Daniel family. It was a busy trip this time. We left early in the am but stopped in Tulsa to see our friends who just had a baby girl, Haven. They also have two boys, one being Evan's age and the other a few years older so they had fun playing. Then we headed on to Stillwater and in a couple of hours headed to Korbin, Evan's cousin, who was having a birthday party at a pizza place. It was fun. The kids got to make their own pizza's and play games and run around. Saturday we had Christmas. I wish I could get a good picture to explain the chaos of fun but I think you just have to be there. We usually open gifts and then Patty has a nice buffet of food for us and then we play bingo later that night. We headed home Sunday morning after a big breakfast to catch the rest of the Dallas game (shouldn't have rushed home for that). It was a nice time as always!

Jenni was the baby whisper on Saturday. She had Ian to sleep and later Joslyn.

This was just 1/2 the room. The other side is just as crowded with people and presents.

Handing out of presents.

Evan was excited he got the Hulk movie. He tried to watch on the way home but was asleep before we even hit the main highway to home.

Ian got lots of cute books and puzzles.

Checking out his furry friend he got from Melissa/Nick/Korbin.

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