Monday, September 29, 2008

Plano Balloon Festival

We made it to the Plano Balloon Festival this year. The weather was so nice and even better as the night went on. Ian loved the balloons and his face was so cute as he watched them take off. He kept waving bye-bye to them as they floated over head. They had lots of fun shaped ones. The pictures are just a few. Evan enjoyed the kids zone and all the bounce houses. Of course with cooler weather meant more crowds so Robbie and Ian would wait in one line while I went with Evan and then we would meet them and they would move on to the next line. Good thing we didn't get many tickets. We missed seeing the night glow all the way as we were standing in line to get food but could see some of the taller ones over the tents. We listened to some music and waited for the fireworks to go off. It was a nice family outing.

Fall Ball

It's time for another season of baseball. Evan has played with the New York Yankees for a few seasons now and we are off to a great start winning both our games so far pretty handily. They are all doing great. Robbie is helping to coach again and is now their sole pitcher as the other coach broke his hand and will be out for awhile. Ian does pretty good at the games and has a little playmate that is just a few months younger then him. Although he found the steps this last game so we spent a lot of time going up and down.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Breakfast Together

Ian will usually stand and harass Evan if he's eating at his little table so I thought I would try to put Ian up there at the table with Evan. It lasted all of 5 minutes. I think Ian rather stand there and give Evan a hard time...a hint of the fun to come.

I couldn't catch this photo (darn digital camera) but it was so cute because Ian was sitting by Evan later that morning and kept laying his head down on Evan's back.

Ian's Hat

Ian love hats. If he sees one laying on the floor he tries to put it on. One day we had given him the lettuce holder to play with and bang on in the kitchen and now it seems to have become part of his play toys. So we were sitting in the living room and he picks up and puts it on his head and just laughs and starts playing peek-a-boo. He was cracking himself up doing this it was funny.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

We headed to Stillwater Labor Day weekend for a O'Daniel family reunion. We were packing up the car early Saturday morning when we couldn't find Ian...

He found himself something to do to pass the time by.
and was having to much fun doing it. He is all over the place and will find anything that will help him get where he wants to go faster. He knows how to turn Evan's little chairs over and then scoots behind them all over the place and he can now steer his little truck that he can walk behind so we have to really watch him.

Robbie's mom, Patty, KyLeigh and Makenzie.

Robbie with Ian.

Some more of the O'Daniel gang.

This was an old car that Robbie's nephew, Nick, has redone. Ian loved to play in it and pretend to drive. We put the helmet on him but it was so heavy he kept falling over. We finally got one picture...quickly.

This picture was very funny to take. I went out there to get Jenni and Ian sitting quietly outside and took a couple of just them but either Ian wasn't looking or when he was Jenni wasn't and then I was getting ready for another one and Evan pops out and wants in the picture so I took a couple of them but had the same results, then Ashley comes out and wants in and right when I was getting ready to take it KyLeigh comes out. We finally got one with everyone looking and smiling. It was a great weekend and good to see everyone.

One Tired "Walker"

Sometimes I can get out for a walk in the evening before it's to late. So this night I took Ian with me. We were talking and he was pointing to things so I was talking back and naming things as we went by and then I realized why I wasn't getting a response anymore (after about 20 minutes) he was asleep. No wonder everyone kept smiling as they walked by. They are probably talking about the crazy lady that was walking down the sidewalk.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Our First Grader

I can't believe it, Evan is a first grader this year. I am lucky to have gotten this picture as I was informed that we could just go through the drop off line and I didn't need to walk him in because he was a first grader and he knew where to go. I told him I was coming anyway. So he posed for the picture and quickly said see ya and walked in. Sniff. Sniff. Glad he has so much confidence though and we are excited to see what this year holds for him. We already know there will be weekly spelling test. His teacher has been teaching for over 14 years so we were happy for that. He also has about 5 kids from his kindergarten class in there so that helped for breaking the ice. All the mothers were talking though and wondering how quickly she would break
them all up as they all LOVE to talk.

The Park

We have a couple of parks around our house that we can walk to so when it was one of our cool evenings we ventured out. Ian loved the swings and was even kicking to try to swing. Evan was trying to show him how to move his legs.

Later that afternoon...

we went back to the house to eat some lunch and poor little Ian couldn't even finish his lunch because he was so worn out. He was even falling asleep while trying to drink.

Later that afternoon he woke up and opened the rest of his presents. Of course with some help from his big brother.