Monday, September 29, 2008

Plano Balloon Festival

We made it to the Plano Balloon Festival this year. The weather was so nice and even better as the night went on. Ian loved the balloons and his face was so cute as he watched them take off. He kept waving bye-bye to them as they floated over head. They had lots of fun shaped ones. The pictures are just a few. Evan enjoyed the kids zone and all the bounce houses. Of course with cooler weather meant more crowds so Robbie and Ian would wait in one line while I went with Evan and then we would meet them and they would move on to the next line. Good thing we didn't get many tickets. We missed seeing the night glow all the way as we were standing in line to get food but could see some of the taller ones over the tents. We listened to some music and waited for the fireworks to go off. It was a nice family outing.

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