Monday, October 6, 2008

Cultural Parade

Every year at the boys daycare they have a Cultural Parade to celebrate our different nationalities. Each class picks a country to represent and makes costumes. They also get to try ethnic food from different areas of the world. The first pictures are Evan's class and then the next ones are of Ian's class. They were all so cute.

I especially like this picture. I had just gotten back from being gone for four days and Evan didn't know I was going to be at the parade so when he saw me he was surprised. I got lots of hugs and kisses before getting back into formation.

I thought these guys were cute. They were dressed as pasta and had noodles glued to the front of their poster board.

It's fitting that Ian got to do Italy. Not only does he have some Italian in him, he loves ravioli, spaghetti and bread.

1 comment:

Kara Ross said...

That is so cute!!! I miss my preschool teaching days! Can't believe how big Ian is getting and all he is doing! We need to try and get together SOON!!