Saturday, February 28, 2009

Happy 7th Birthday Evan!

We had Evan's party at Jump n Land in McKinney. It was lots of fun. Grandma was able to make if from Austin and Aunt Leslie came too. Evan wanted Army theme so I had a cake made that had a river and everything with little army men all around it. The kids had fun jumping and sliding. Ian loved the big slide but wasn't big enough to climb up by himself so daddy got a good workout and Aunt Leslie even took him up a couple of times. Can't believe you're seven Evan!! Happy Birthday. Love ya.

Ian going down the slide. Couldn't get it to turn around right.

The first time I tried to get Aunt Leslie coming down the slide I missed her completely. She was going so fast.

Got her this time but just barely.

School Birthday/Party

In Evan's class there were actually three of them with Valentine's Day Birthdays. So Friday they were actually having their Valentine's Day party and I was helping but go to be there when they sang to Evan and his friends for their birthdays. It was really cute and they got a special gift from the teacher and a birthday hat. The Valentine's Party was fun. They played games, decorated a cookie and ate some food.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

The boys opening their bags of books/candy and other stuff. Of course Ian had to check out what Evan had but then quickly got into his. Of course I should have just filled his with tissue paper because that's what he wanted and started ripping it up. He did recognize the M&M's package so he held onto that as well.

Ian giving his lion a kiss.

Wonder what's up there...

Ah ha. Evan left the chair out and is no where to be seen. I wonder what's up there.

Oh boy. This looks like fun.

Oh no she caught me. Daddy let's me do it.

Sunday afternoon with friends.

We recently had another one of those great days and it landed on the weekend so we were able to get outside and play. We met Gabby and Isabelle over at the park and played. Of course they picked the volleyball pit to play in and were covered in sand when it was all over but it was very fun and nice to get out.

Oh the things you can do with a box...

You can ride it like a horse.

You can reach things you're not suppose to.

And wear it like a hat. How fun is that!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Tooth Fairy

Evan lost his first big front tooth. It has been loose forever and hanging by a thread for weeks. He could make the tooth go all the way back or all the way to the front...gross. We were visiting his Granny and she told him he better pull it because if he looses it the Tooth Fairy won't have anything to come and get. He told her that he would just get a piece of corn and wrap it in a Kleenex and the Tooth Fairy wouldn't know the difference. We all had a good laugh. But he didn't loose it. He was chewing gun and then got a gross look on his face and pulled out the gum and there was his tooth, stuck in the gum. He said mom I was chewing my tooth and blood. I'm not good at the whole mouth bleeding and teeth sticking out so I'm glad it's out. Needless to say the Tooth Fairy made a trip in the night and he was happy to wake up to money. He couldn't wait for Monday to show all his friends and he wished it was picture day so he could get his picture taken without his tooth.

Around the house...

Ian loves to crawl under the computer desk or their small table and just lay...of course there are times when he crawls under the computer desk because he knows how to turn the power switch off and that will set Evan off because he's usually in the middle of a game. Ian knows how to demand attention and he loves to have his brother's attention!


Ever wonder what green beans, spaghetti and pineapple all look like together? Check out the last photo. Ever wonder what it taste like? I guess pretty good because he ate it all.

Our "snow" day...

Our snow day started Tuesday when the daycare called to tell me Allen schools were releasing early and the daycare would be closing early. So I headed home from work to get them. It sleeted all night and I was pretty sure we wouldn't be going to school the next day and that was confirmed when I was still in bed but heard Evan yell out a shout of joy. So we all stayed home. I found the yellow school bus Grandma had got Evan one year and got that out and the boys loved that and it was entertainment all day. Evan was jumping from the chair through one of the top windows or would run from the front door and just bowl over the school bus with Ian in it and Ian would just laugh as hard as he could. Or Ian would make it fall down by trying to get out one of the windows instead of the door and Evan would start to put it back up and flip Ian off. To bad it was only ice and no snow for a snowman!!

Ian doing chores...

Ian loves the laundry. If he sees you with the basket or folding clothes he wants to help. He even will take Evan's clothes and blanket to his room after he gets dressed in the morning. He tries to be careful and keep them folded up.