Monday, February 2, 2009

Tooth Fairy

Evan lost his first big front tooth. It has been loose forever and hanging by a thread for weeks. He could make the tooth go all the way back or all the way to the front...gross. We were visiting his Granny and she told him he better pull it because if he looses it the Tooth Fairy won't have anything to come and get. He told her that he would just get a piece of corn and wrap it in a Kleenex and the Tooth Fairy wouldn't know the difference. We all had a good laugh. But he didn't loose it. He was chewing gun and then got a gross look on his face and pulled out the gum and there was his tooth, stuck in the gum. He said mom I was chewing my tooth and blood. I'm not good at the whole mouth bleeding and teeth sticking out so I'm glad it's out. Needless to say the Tooth Fairy made a trip in the night and he was happy to wake up to money. He couldn't wait for Monday to show all his friends and he wished it was picture day so he could get his picture taken without his tooth.

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