Monday, February 2, 2009

Our "snow" day...

Our snow day started Tuesday when the daycare called to tell me Allen schools were releasing early and the daycare would be closing early. So I headed home from work to get them. It sleeted all night and I was pretty sure we wouldn't be going to school the next day and that was confirmed when I was still in bed but heard Evan yell out a shout of joy. So we all stayed home. I found the yellow school bus Grandma had got Evan one year and got that out and the boys loved that and it was entertainment all day. Evan was jumping from the chair through one of the top windows or would run from the front door and just bowl over the school bus with Ian in it and Ian would just laugh as hard as he could. Or Ian would make it fall down by trying to get out one of the windows instead of the door and Evan would start to put it back up and flip Ian off. To bad it was only ice and no snow for a snowman!!

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