Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

We headed to Stillwater Labor Day weekend for a O'Daniel family reunion. We were packing up the car early Saturday morning when we couldn't find Ian...

He found himself something to do to pass the time by.
and was having to much fun doing it. He is all over the place and will find anything that will help him get where he wants to go faster. He knows how to turn Evan's little chairs over and then scoots behind them all over the place and he can now steer his little truck that he can walk behind so we have to really watch him.

Robbie's mom, Patty, KyLeigh and Makenzie.

Robbie with Ian.

Some more of the O'Daniel gang.

This was an old car that Robbie's nephew, Nick, has redone. Ian loved to play in it and pretend to drive. We put the helmet on him but it was so heavy he kept falling over. We finally got one picture...quickly.

This picture was very funny to take. I went out there to get Jenni and Ian sitting quietly outside and took a couple of just them but either Ian wasn't looking or when he was Jenni wasn't and then I was getting ready for another one and Evan pops out and wants in the picture so I took a couple of them but had the same results, then Ashley comes out and wants in and right when I was getting ready to take it KyLeigh comes out. We finally got one with everyone looking and smiling. It was a great weekend and good to see everyone.


LaAlicia said...

aww, those are great family shots! :) I can't get over how fast Ian is growing! :)

Kara Ross said...

Love the tp pictures!! We are headed that way....I need to do some reorganizing....trashcans are on bookshelves, doors are closed, and they are still constantly finding something to get in to!! So much fun! ;)